# 🎉 Onboarding for Leads

Welcome to UBC Launch Pad, and congratulations (and thank you!) for joining us as a lead!

# Checklist

# Slack Channels

Everyone should join a private channel named #tm-leads-YYYY (for example, #tm-leads-2020). If this channel doesn't exist yet, coordinate to get it created. This will be the primary means through which Launch Pad leadership works together. In addition, make sure you join:

  • #ask-leads: this is where members are expected to direct questions at leadership.
  • #ask-rocket: our Slack bot Rocket is how teams are set up and managed - make sure you familiarize yourself with the app and ask this channel if you have questions or something is broken.
  • #ask-design: questions for design
  • #ask-strategy: questions for strategy

As a lead, you should also lead in Slack participation by example - please make sure you join any channels you find interesting and participate in them! See our Slack guide for more details.

# GitHub Teams

Make sure you are a part of the following teams on GitHub:

Additionally, the presidents should also be a part of @ubclaunchpad/exec and familiarize themselves with the Exec repository, where we keep track of accounts and credentials.


Make sure that you are watching all relevant repositories so that you don't miss any updates! To learn more about setting up your GitHub notifications, check our GitHub guide.

# Google Drive

Make sure all leads are given "editor" access to the shared Launch Pad folder, which is owned by the team@ubclaunchpad.com account (more details are in the Exec repository).

Within the shared Launch Pad folder, try to maintain the following structure:

  • Projects - folders for project teams
    • Note that everyone should be granted access to this folder (part of Onboarding for Everyone)
    • Each tech lead should create a folder for their project inside a year subfolder ("Projects YYYY") of this folder
    • Inside each project folder, each lead should create a document for meeting notes. All their project meetings should go in this document. See Sprint Planning for more details.
  • Strategy - see Onboarding for Strategy
  • Design - see Onboarding for Design
  • Leads - that's for us!
    • Leads should create a document for meeting notes titled "Leads: Meeting Notes YYYY". All leads meetings should go in this document.
  • Exec - for the presidents
    • Presidents should create a document for meeting notes titled "Exec: Meeting Notes YYYY". All exec meetings should go in this document.


In general, assume pretty liberal with access to folders in Google Drive (since it is hard to keep track of access over time, especially for individual documents, and for ease of use we generally share entire folders with everyone).

Sensitive information (such as contact details for sponsors) should be tracked in one of our private GitHub repositories and distributed as required (for example, by linking to specific issues from Drive documents).

Similarly, do not add credentials (usernames, passwords) in Google Drive. Instead, get them added to the private Exec repository and provide the credentials to those who need it as required.

# Email and Accounts

All leads will be given access to the strategy@ubclaunchpad.com Gmail account to help in correspondance with partners and sponsors. Learn more about Launch Pad email in the email documentation.

To gain access to various social media accounts, see the social media documentation.

# Workflows


We use GitHub and Slack for pretty much everything - make sure you are intimately familiar with both, regardless of your role, by reading our handcrafted guides:

# Projects

The handbook's Project Management pages are a must-read - for all leads:

  • Scope - how to develop and scope ideas for Launch Pad projects, as well as the timeline for development
  • Sprints - how to plan and collaborate with your team to deliver on your project

Additionally, technical leads will want to take a look at the Repository Management page to help them set up tooling for their projects.

# Meetings

Leads meetings between all leads (technical and non-technical) should happen on a regular basis.

TODO: flesh out what we want meetings to be like